Photo of Joan and her cat goes here

Joan Mazzeo

A native Italian New Yorker, Joan Mazzeo’s artistic career has grown out of her personal experiences: 40 years of serving as a registered nurse in NYC, where she was exposed to life’s challenges and complexities. After being expelled from three high schools—Mt. St. Mary’s Academy for Young Women, Newburgh Free Academy, and Marlboro Central High—she earned two Bachelor’s degrees, one in Nursing and one in Fine Arts, from the University of Vermont. Focusing on shamanic imagery, Joan creates unique sculptures that combine various media, including ceramics, metals, and textiles. Using mythology and cultural expressions in animal form, her work explores the connections between humans, nature, and the Divine. From ancient Ptolemaic Egyptian sarcophagus portraits to Native American kachina-inspired sculptures, Joan celebrates the sacred animal in all of us. She is most proud of her son, Zak, and his amazing sense of humor. Currently, Joan can be found in the historic city of Savannah, enjoying a glass of red (Italian) wine with her home-cooked dinner of asparagus and salmon, while watching reruns of E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial with her giant orange, squirrel-chasing feline, Mr. Theo.